
If you’ve landed here via a link from a search engine but can’t find the article; chances are, the linked article is now archived. If you need it unarchived, do let me know.


Been awhile

It has been so long since I last wrote anything here. I was doing some domain and hosting planning discussion for my work, when one of the options presented is WordPress. And suddenly I thought, yes, I am not a stranger with! I should check it out and probably consider hosting our website on

After the discussion, here I am, login in back into my old ‘blog’ site. But then, I was like, “Wow! I’m lost!”. What’s this?

I think I know how to navigate around. But creating content with this ‘editor’ is still very much difficult for me. I just don’t understand how it actually works. Block? Pattern? Media?

It’s easy enough just to type an article like this. But how to make this content more interesting. Adding pictures next to each other, setting the size & border, inserting separator line, changing font attributes, etc. Well, I have to spend more time exploring this again. Till then…


iTunes Pending Downloads


There are pending downloads that never seems going to finish/end. More like stuck.


Delete * (everything) in that folder. That is if you want to remove all the pending downloads.

path: ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Downloads/

(At the time it’s written) The solution works for the following environment:

  • MacOS 10.14.6
  • iTunes